Maintenance Packages For Food Producers

"We are managing but could do better..."
Does this sound like you?

You’re certified to SALSA, STS, BRC and any other certification, but maybe you rushed to prepare and update the paperwork and winged it on the day? 

Each time you have your audit you say to yourself that:
next time we need to be better prepared and more proactive”.

This is an ongoing journey, not a 3-month dash.

Maybe you are nervous that you won’t make it through the next audit visit.

You have a technical manager or person dedicated to the technical compliance side of the business but would like a fresh pair of eyes to support your technical lead. 

Perhaps you would like someone to review current food safety management systems and suggest leaner, more efficient ways of documenting the systems and reducing paperwork using insider knowledge on what others in the industry are doing and is sufficient.  

Your internal audits are happening (but perhaps they aren’t independent?).

One of our mottos is:
The quality of your food safety management system is only as good as the quality of the internal auditing.’ 

Perhaps your internal auditors need refresher training on audit techniques and truly challenging systems to strengthen them and develop them.

About Our Food Safety Maintenance Packages

Here at Beacon Compliance, we love nothing more than leaving a food producer or manufacturer having shared our technical secrets to make their lives easier. 


We are not precious about what we do or how we do it. We want your technical systems to be lean, efficient, practical for your business, and in keeping with requirements. 

Get In Touch To Discuss a Food Hygiene Maintenance Plan

Contact us, let us take the worry away. 

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