Successful “Recall”…is not just for dogs…but imperative for your food business

Lets hope that you never receive that phone call…you know…the one that means whatever you were about to do, forget it – we’ve got a product recall on our hands!

In this article, Beacon Compliance food safety experts are taking the position that as the reader, you know all about product recall, that it should be tested frequently, and that yes, it is different to a traceability. Have you thought or event considered these factors when it comes to product recall? Let’s hope that you are covered for product recall as part of your business insurance (if not…check!)

The risks of product recalls have increased over the years due to more stringent global regulatory rules and safety requirements.

Product recall insurance – provides financial support for the business in the event of the need to recall – however be clear in what you are covered for? Does it include:

– Negligent acts leading to recall – most recalls are due to instances beyond your control such as natural contaminants but what if the recall was due issues that could be controlled such as metal contamination, negligence from a team member.

– Loss of sales. Once the initial recall is dealt with, you may be unable to produce until the issue is completely resolved.

– Expenses covered in relation to recalling a product once it has been released to the public.

– Expenses incurred in relation to shipping costs, warehouse costs, disposal costs, and restocking costs.

Other than monetary compensation, is there anything else that your insurer might be able to do at time of recall. This might include:

– Is there any training that may be provided on developing a suitable recall procedure that can then be used to train the team based on the insurers experience. It’s amazing when you look back at what was need compared to what’s in the textbooks – IT Equipment, phones and if necessary chargers, printers/ scanners to copy essential records. Access to refreshments / rest areas.

– Can they provide an authentic “real time” recall exercise such that the procedure and the training can be tested under pressured conditions.

– Expertise in Managing the recall – a biggest criticism of manufacturers is that the recall was not managed. Impression of a lack of control due to patchy / incomplete / delays in information and a lack of resource – you may still have to do a day job whilst the recall is in progress. There maybe several parties chasing information at same time – these will require management.

– Providing Press, social media & PR management: This is a skill in itself, poor handling of the press can lead to ruining a reputation. Accusations towards the business may be made. They WILL need defending.

– General recall support – Advice on what to do and when to do it.

– Assisting in determining the ROOT cause ( 5 Why’s, Fish Bone Diagram) its elimination / assessment. Recording of such etc.

– Providing support in key areas – Micro Analysis / Chemical Analysis (pesticides)

– Likely causes / sources – raw materials, poor processing, how to confirm them, managing a testing regime to forensically confirm any links between sources and products – mRNA Sequencing

– Support in recovering costs from potential causes for the recall.

– Assisting in demonstration of acceptable recovery from the recall and facilitating where appropriate the restart of production

If you would like support in ensuring your product recall procedures are robust then get in touch with Beacon Compliance on [email protected], tel 01792 986089. Or visit